Wednesday, 29 February 2012


(with ranting inputs from Yashodhan Shevade of Madman and Martin Luther King Jr.)

The most fun thing left to do for me on a day that comes once in four years is to enrich my limited knowledge of contemporary (often lame) urban slang. This is what I found when I looked up the word apeshit on the internet. 


A state of anger and rage that produces behavior more closely resembling that of an enraged ape than a human.

To lose all sense of reason. Said apeshitter will often start to speak in some strange language where the only recognizable words are "fuck" and other curses.

"After losing the election, George went apeshit, trashing the Oval Office, the War Room and the Clinton Memorial Bedroom."

(from here

My counselor went completely apeshit (for lack of a more fitting word) when I told him there was no “greater detail” and that my life is pretty empty, much in the same way his cranial cavity is. Check it out.

1. Your last set of replies might have been a rage with *ohmygod* FOUR views! (yeah.), but you probably already know it was fucking bullshit. So don’t try to fuck with my head (and your future), ever. I have been asked to keep a tab on your activities (Thank God He didn’t mention WHICH ones).

2. The US government has a policy of rejecting visas if you have extremist views (but don’t worry about that I’ve already told my boss that you don’t have a fucking VIEW, let alone an extremist one).

3. You think you’re such a smart fuck, putting your shit up; but by publishing my note in the end, you turned into a joke-whore for all the counselors in the office.

4. SEND ME THAT FUCKING SHIT AGAIN! Unless you reply seriously this time, you’ll be lucky if you even get to serve tea in glasses. The way you've written that earlier piece, a Chai stall is your best shot at getting anything close to a job anyway.

5. This review shit is for your own benefit. SO, if you're gay/bisexual, you know what to do.


Your enraged and utterly pissed-off Counselor.

Right now you're thinking,

I told you he went apeshit.